Friday, January 1, 2010

Tidbits from an Aging Brain

If you are one of the "lucky" ones who used to follow my blogs on MySpace you may recall that I tend to blog in spurts. It appears that my long absence from blogging has acted as a dam that has suddenly burst and here I am with way too much drivel to share rushing down river.

In October I was inspired to purchase a flat screen monitor for my husband's Christmas present - and ecstatic that I had done that shopping so far in advance. The beginning of December our PC bit the dust.

Another "If we can put a man on the moon" question:
...then why can't we make a pair of jeans for fat ladies that doesn't wear out in the thighs?

Hypnotic power of TV:
I can go through our dozens and dozens of DVDs and not find a thing I want to watch but if one of those same movies pops up on TV I will sit and watch it from beginning to end commercials and all.

I think that's enough stress for my old noodle on this first day of 2010.

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