Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Best Lesson

Jan 24, 2009

Current mood:blessed

I recently had lunch with a very dear friend in Utah. It was fabulous!! We met at Red Robin at 1:00 and left the restaurant sometime after 5:00. I don't remember what I ordered but I know it was delicious. But nothing was as rich & filling as our conversation. Rose is amazing!!

We talked about so much, catching up on the last six months. But eventually, somehow, I got into whining about an injustice done to me a couple of years ago. Rose's face went blank & I knew she had tuned out. But somehow I just had to keep trying to explain how badly I was wronged.

"Did you really want to be there?" she asked me.

"No, but that's not the point. My feelings should have been considered!"

"But you got off so easy, what's the problem?"

She was so right and so wise and yet I kept wanting to hang onto the injustice I felt. I was getting annoyed with her for not understanding, and yet she really understood much more than I did. I might have been much simpler had she just slapped me!

She told me she didn't want to spend our short visit together re-hashing the negative things we may have felt in our pasts. Our visit was about celebrating each other and our lives.

There was so much wisdom wrapped up in those 4 hours. I understood myself so much better as I went on my way. Then an email came that also reinforced that particular lesson from Rose.

The gist was to really give my problems over to God to handle. Write them on a piece of paper and then put it in the God box, a box my issues which I have turned over to God. Once I have truly given it over to God I have to let go. If God is to handle it, I have to get out of His way and forget it. There is no opening the God box and pulling my problems out to revisit. They are now totally in His hands. My mission is to be forward looking and leave the rest behind.

God really wants us to live happy. Why do we work so hard to resist His wish?

Rose is so smart!
1:24 PM
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    Jeannie Corby Becker

    I too love the God Box. I put things in there on a daily basis. I have yet to figure out why it is not packed to the top but some how there is always room for one more issue I would like God to handle.

    Your Rose is one very smart lady. As you are to me!


    2 years ago


    Lovely thought to start the morning with! I've tried the "let go and let God" route with things in my life, and have frequently found the solutions that manifest to be better than what I've come up with on my own. Regardless, I still have trouble with the "let go" part...the obsessive side of my personality wants to keep going back over and over things ad nauseum!

    2 years ago

    Betsy Gully

    So tempting, isn't it? I wish I had recorded parts of my conversation with Rose, but I do remember that I really don't want to hang onto my garbage any more when there are tulips to hold instead.

    2 years ago

    Kari Fisher Williams

    I love "God Boxes". I just wish I would remember not to rip the top off and grab out all the stuff I have put in there. Hugs!

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