Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Spankity Spank-Spank-Spank!

Seems I have been spanked.  It used to be called 'tagged' but I guess spanked is more..... um, descriptive?  In any case, I have been called upon to expand information in the following areas....
NAME:  Betsy Ann.  Yep, it's really Betsy.  Don't call me Elizabeth because it's not my name and I will not be impressed that you know that Betsy is a nickname for Elizabeth.
CHILDHOOD AMBITION:  To live to adulthood. Now that I have done that, I am still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up.
FONDEST MEMORY:  This is a tough one since I have such a poor memory.  I guess I have to say it's the collective memories of camping and backpacking with my Mom as a child.  I love the smell of a campfire and the sounds of the night in the woods. 
SOUNDTRACK:  About Last Night.  Very very old Demi Moore movie.
RETREAT:  A small resort on the Washington coast called Ironsprings.  We stayed there when I was a child and I went back a couple times as an adult.  I LOVE it!!
WILDEST DREAM:  To just take off and explore the world without any worries.  I'd start with Australia.
PROUDEST MOMENT:  Each time I gave birth to my daughters, and every time I look at them.  They are my pride and joy.
BIGGEST CHALLENGE:  Surviving the year I allowed my daughter to stay in Seattle to finish high school.
ALARM CLOCK:  My cell phone is my alarm clock and the rise and shine time changes by whatever my schedule is for that day.
PERFECT DAY:  Every day that I wake up.
LAST PURCHASE:  Iced Venti Sugar Free Vanilla Non-Fat Latte.
FAVORITE MOVIE:  It's a Wonderful Life
INSPIRATION:  My mom.  She has shown me that although life can be tough and unfair, you can always get good things from it.
MY LIFE:  A beautiful, incredible gift from God. 
MY CARD:  Ace of Hearts. Only I know.
Okay, I gave up spanking when my kids got too big for it.... so no one is being spanked by me... unless you're kinky...
(from my former MySpace blog)

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