Monday, November 9, 2009

What makes a good weekend....

Originally published on MySpace, Nov 9, 2008

Current mood:rejuvenated

Little things often merge making a bigger and better thing. In this case, that accumulation has made for a good weekend.

Silly as it may sound, the first event was finding a couple of new MySpace friends. Through a small series of coincidences, I found two new-to-me bloggers that I am enjoying and the 'funniest' part is that one of them is a real Boone County, KY neighbor. How cool is that??

The next little event was meeting two more neighbors in my immediate neighborhood but not on my cul-de-sac. I just went out to get the mail and a small crowd, 2 women, 4 children and one small dog, were walking by and stopped and introduced themselves. As I result, I am now part of a neighborhood book club - YIPPEE!!!!

After a night of no sleep (small lie - I did actually get about 2-3 hours of sleep) I set up a Close to my Heart table at a Christmas Sale at a local day care. Being as I overslept I missed getting an ideal spot and was in a side room with four other vendors that was largely overlooked. But there was one young girl who spent most of her day there that was fascinated with my product. She drug every person she could over to my table to show them my fascinating acrylic stamp. I MUST borrow this young lady for my next event! LOL. In any case, I felt the event was very beneficial to me, being new in my community, and I'm very happy with the final result. Woot Woot.

So today is my kick back, take care of my husband's deep chest cold, and watch chick flicks with the fire roaring and a cup of cocoa day.

It's a good weekend!!

10:57 PM
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    Jeannie Corby Becker

    Sounds like a Great Weekend....

    New friends, new bloggers, new neighbors, new book club!

    Sounds like a perfect weekend!

    Did you happen to find the GMA interview? It is amazing that yesterday I went in to the office to catch up from the 2 1/2 days I was out with the flu and low and behold I have an email from one of my patients daughter. The daughter wanted to thank me for giving her the same information on NPH. Her mom is now scheduled for surgery to have the shunt put in.

    Thought you might enjoy this tidbit.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Hugs from freezing Iowa
    ~ Jeannie ~

    2 years ago

    Kari Fisher Williams

    I am loving seeing you blog again Betsy!

    It is the small things in life that make it ever so precious!


    2 years ago

      Betsy Gully

      *VBG* thanks...

      2 years ago

      Kari Fisher Williams

      What attracts me to your blogs is they are real. You aren't just making stuff up just to blog or to try to be a top blogger. You are just you and that is perfect!

      Love ya!

      2 years ago

      Betsy Gully

      Ah, thanks Kari!! It's funny how we cycle through life, over and over again. Things come and go and some come back again. I've always enjoyed blogging but when you don't feel it, it's just not worth the effort! LOL. I am sure YOU understand!!

      I am trying to limit myself to 3 blogs a day, LOL. I found the spider video yesterday and had to hold back 'til today to post it!

      Thanks for your faithful readership - I'm not sure what attracts